Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Steve, me and Nike ads. Heaven.

Happy birthday to myself.

Monday, September 29, 2008

We 3 Kings.

It is almost my birthday so please allow my indulgence.

Here are a few of my favourite choice dudes.

Click on them to read why.

Hey Diddy, here's an airline for you.

A few weeks ago Puff Daddy/Diddy-P was lamenting that the high cost of fuel is cutting into his first class diamond encrusted, 1800 tequila sipping international playa lifestyle. As a result he is now opting to fly commercially.

I realize we are a world apart, Diddy and I, but I had a great experience with Porter Airlines this week when I flew to Montreal and I think Diddy should give it a go.

If MadMen, or Apple created their own airline Porter would be it.
  • Stewardess in pillbox hats and uniforms designed by Pink Tartan
  • gorgeous lounges with complimentary coffee, tea, bottles of water, cookies and newspapers
  • no harassing security guards
  • simple blue iconic graphics that make me actually like raccoons.
  • wine...for free on the flight... free wine people, served in glasses, not plastic cups.
  • oh and, an on time safe uneventful flight
The attention to detail is exquisite. When we talk about brand touchpoints, this one has got it all covered. Nothing felt too contrived, yet nothing was left unbranded.

I felt like I was nobody who walked into a somebody experience.

I heart Porter Airlines... now it needs to add a leg to Chicago.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dear Ketel One Drinker

Dear Ketel One Advertiser,
Your simplicity is perfection.
No, Thank you.

Ad on the left links to Ketel One's website.
Ad on the right links to a Washington Post article not in support of this great concept.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sex Sells

Its a Maslow's hierarchy kind of thing.
People love to get it on.
It feels great. Its not that I want to always mix business and pleasure but that's what marketing can be about too, getting people to feel a certain way... and why not make them feel like doin' it?

Check out two out there examples of selling sex... not even subtly. Literally, here it is on platter, sex.

The first one is drrrty - not for the faint of heart. The second one is very seductively sexy.

Diesel's XXX party promo... er, porno:
YouTubetook it down.... so check out Creativity On-line.

And Orangina did it best a few months ago:

Gotta love that animation let's you let your freak flag fly.

Friday, September 26, 2008

On this day a child was born...

23 years ago my lovely sister Laura was born. The one on the left.
Happy Birthday Lola!

Time Magazine had a great article on birth order.
Apparently the youngest suffers from a slightly lower IQ.
But, if you ever met Laura you would recognize her ablity to quote Simpson episodes, spit out random rap lyrics and her always incredibly insightful advice as early signs of genius.
I think that is because the youngest is always loved the most. I know us older sibs would say that of Laura... and besides you should believe me because apparently I would have the highest IQ.
ALSO, Happy Birthday to this fantastic guy too.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

If I could draw you a picture I would.

There are likely a million clever ways to start a blog.

Afterall you only have one chance to make a first impression.

I am just going to keep it simple and tell you about the highlight of my day. I am in Montreal on business and visiting this store was my 1# personal mission. They are an independant Canadian publishing company focusing on uber amazing graphic novels.
I bought 3 books.

Maus - The Watchmen - Moomin
... plus they gave me a cool bag.
Have you read them? Do you suggest others?