Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Internet Killed the Video Star
or rather my new love affair with NOLA has kept me otherwise occupied.
This gets right to the heart of the importance of music in this community, and globally.
If you like what you see visit for more.
It has been more than 3 years since Hurricane Katrina. I just got bad from a week's trip. I saw the good the bad and the ugly.
The United States of America has never been more ignorant or blind to their own in justice.People are still living in FEMA trailors, neighbourhoods are still abandoned, people have abandoned their homes or have had them taken away. People are homeless and heartbroken. New Orleans, Louisiana still need a lot of help. Years and billions of dollars of help.
These spray paints on the walls are badges of honour and for some heartbreaking reminders:
North quadrant is the date the house was checked.
East quadrant is code for hazards.
South quandrant is for the number of bodies they found in the house. Sometimes you'll see the death count for house pets.
West is the unit/squad that did the search.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Fantasy, Function, Status, Anxiety
Article highlights:
- uses the word masturbate 5 times (he once masturbated in front of reporter)
- he has 6 employees living with him, and he has them call him daddy.
- he is a staunch supporter of illegal immigrant (or un-papered) workers
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Internet Killed the Video Star
Here is today's video... I think it goes well with yesterday's Old Spice post.
and a good follow up:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Truth will set you Free.
- Champagne Tastes on a Beer Budget.
- The hot girl in high-school is now in her mid thirties and a single mother.
The second one made me laugh out loud... but is it because it's super funny, or because (you never know) it may be my fate one day (although I would need to be in my mid 30s and have a kid). The truth hurts, but is bloody funny.
Men, Man, Manly, Magnificent
And, I am loving the new Old Spice campaign. Honestly, Douggie Howser and LL Cool J in the same campaign!!! Kitchy, Cheesy, Funny...Viral.
From a viral component, they have created this SwaggerizeMe application which takes the campaign to the next level. Apparently it helps build our on-line profile. I saw the ad on Kanye's Blog...good targetting. (I still haven't received my email from them yet... perhaps being swagger-y means not returning emails)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Internet Killed the Video Star
I had another video scheduled for today. But this one came in last minute...hopefully you can see why I picked it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Being in the Red is the new Green
Your performance at the Canadian leadership debates was impressive. You were articulate, well researched, tenacious and not obnoxious. I have a soft spot for the Green in the Green Party, I wasn't too sure about you. I am also not too sure why you will continue to try to win your riding when Peter McKay (likely Harper's successor) beat you to a pulp.
That being said, I am sorry that your party did not win a single seat in yesterday's Canadian election. I know you tried hard. Just curious though, how does a party get themselves $2MM in debt? Is that a normal process? Is this our tax payers money or funds you raised? Either way how are you going to account for the crappy ROI measures. Perhaps you faired better than your counter parts with respect to spend, but they have at least one bum in one seat. I have been trying to find other stats on campaign spend, but its pretty burried. hmm. suspicious all around.
On a side note, or perhaps completely related: don't you love this Chanel Bike?? Totally unaffordable at $12,000...but certainly Green.
Monday, October 13, 2008
In addition to almost packing my camera and buying a ticket to California, it made me think about the immerging 'modern' class structure.
The Bourgeois Bohemian.
The Creative Class
There are two quick, but interesting reads I would suggest perusing. One from The Guardian about the BoBo(Bourgeois Bohemian) and the is a Fast Company Q+A interview ofRichard Florida, author of the book Flight of the Creative Class.
I think philosophically they are talking about similar concepts. Where the Creative Class concept speaks to gathering places and how people are attracted to each other in unique, environments. Organic or inorganic the liberal minded are seeaking each other out. The BoBo profile is more in wardly motivated and self-expressive, but motivated by the same cultural and creatively defining motivation.
Quote from BoBo article:
Combining the free-spirited, artistic rebelliousness of the bohemian beatnik or
hippie with the worldly ambitions of their bourgeois corporate forefathers, the
Bobo is a comfortable contortion of caring capitalism. 'It's not about making
money,' writes Brooks, 'it's about doing something you love. Life should be an
extended hobby. It's all about working for a company as cool as you are.' '
A quote from the Creative Class article:
It's been happening since the dawn of human civilization, people realizing
amazing productivity and creativity gains when they agglomerate. What my work
tries to do is link this phenomenon to specific demographic indicators and
economic trends.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I HEART Vancouver, Chicago and Paris.
I also HEART the idea of city branding. I am a rookie in this subject matter, but I plan to be an expert after I read this 145 page thesis on the subject. (seriously, I am going to read and provide a book report).
I HEART NYC is the first example of city branding that comes to my mind. I like it because its simple, clean, emotional and still fun.
It was commissioned in 1977, by William S. Doyle, the Deputy of the New York State Department of Commerce. He hired advertising agency Wells Rich Greene to develop a marketing campaign for New York State. Doyle also recruited Milton Glacer, a graphic designer, to work on the campaign, and created the design based on Wells Rich Greene's advertising campaign. Something they thought would only last a few short months has become a badge of recognition, honour and spoofing.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Internet Killed the Video Star
I am calling it 'Internet Killed the Video Star"... or IKTVS Thursdays.
This is a video of a super ninja-like Russian climber. Amazing.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Big Easy
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Brains in Advertising
But, the catch is they seem to be derived from the same 'central nervous system' concept.
They came from the same ad agency, Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam. I love all things WK, but this coincidence is a tad to coincidental for me. Was the CD on vacation that week? I think these are a both a tad too similar in concept, albeint different in execution.
Here is the first one:
Here are my thoughts, aside from the whole same agency brain concept similarity:
I always love Nike ads. It is truly the only true brand I am loyal too. However.... Coke Zero's 'jabba the hut' brain, eyeball and tongue ads have a soap opera quality about them that truly engages. I like their stories, their personalities... its all around great and it really carves out a new identify for this Coke product. Nike takes great creative leaps and its great to see that WK is able to do the same, and succeed for Coke Zero.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Fashion flexing was abound at the Saturday night wedding: narrow lapels, tie clips, skinny and fat ties, slim trousers. I loved ever second of it.
You see, I work in an office where golf shirts and khaki pants are the norm and the pink shirt is considered fashion forward, so hopefully you can appreciate my enthusiams for the 'styled' gentlemen last evening.
For more fun inspiration check out GQs Trad and True (traditional and true...that too me a bit to figure out). And for a daily dose of fashion fun visit The Sartorialist.
p.s. That's a cord suit in the top picture. Daring, but certainly dapper.Sunday, October 5, 2008
The F word is worth $63 million.
I never understood the aesthetic appeal. Brown and Gold aren't really that beautiful or inspiring. Although, truth be told, I do now have an itch for an LV fix in the form of a big carry-on bag. (I don't wear big brands, but I suppose if I were to, I'd scream it out loud).
But why haven't I loved it in the past?
I have to give a big high five to LV for standing their ground and holding eBay accountable for slowing chipping away at the LV brand value. Recently LVMH (the parent company) sued and won $63MM from eBay because they felt eBay was supporting, by not interfering, the sale of knock-off goods. However, the on-line commerce site is appealing, as quoted in this CNN article:
"Today's ruling is not about counterfeits. Today's ruling is about an attempt by LVMH to protect uncompetitive commercial practices at the expense of consumer choice and the livelihood of law-abiding sellers that eBay empowers every day."
Is it the end of free enterprise and the start of uncompetitive practices? or is it the essence of the brand taking a stand and saying... stop adding milk, we like it strong.
p.s. poster comes from come on... send me one : )
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"It makes you laugh, make you cry, makes you wanna change your life.
And these are 3 reasons I'll be rapping 'till I die.
I am a hip hop fanatic,
microphone addict, its my purpose on the planet and
I just gotta get at
it. "
Friday, October 3, 2008
Salt and Pepper my Mango
She is so cool.
She is one of Kanye's FreshKids and one of Marc Jacob's muses.
She is an articulate outspoken, politically savvy artist and certainly a thought leader.
M.I.A., born Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam, makes great music and is now designing a clothing line and record label called NEET. Besides spelling TEEN backwards, it stands for Not In Education, Employment or Training. Essentially, if a Teen drops out, she'll sign 'em her new prodigy Rye Rye. I am still a bit confused about it...but I'll go with it.
She has a style and brand all unto herself, just like this pretty crazy video that showcases her wares. Its out there, but so are most fantastic artists.
Also check out her interview on the Hour for more about her story.
photo: marc jacobs collection
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Black Album
In an incredible effort to mobilize the young African American vote Jay-Z is doing free concerts in Detroit and Miami for adults who register for the democratic party.
In an election where every vote and state counts its fascinating to see how surgerical the tactics are becoming. According to an article in the Washington Post Florida can be won if Obama increases black turnout by 23 percent over 2004 turnout. Same opportunity presents itself for Michigan, another swing state.
I love when a smart plan comes together.
design by:Deroy Peraza
ESP Update
Steve Jobs vs. __________
They likely already had the shuffle developed, when they launched the first iPod. They also revolutionalized the music industry by selling the music and owning the hardware. That's just smart, cool and a great business model. (note: interesting iTunes update oct 2)
But that isn't the only story that is changing MBA text books. Steve Jobs had intestinal cancer and continued to be Apple's CEO. The ability for Apple to continue to grow in his absence has been called into question by investors, which has its board of directors putting out rumours while trying to balance the books and develop a succession plan.
But can or should business results and investor confidence be tied directly to the ceo's health? and is it Wall Street's business if you are sick and running a company?
Read and let me know your thoughts.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bill Gates vs. __________
This year Microsoft hired Crispin Porter + Bogusky as their agency of record. They are a fantastic shop, and despite the Jerry Seinfeld spots (which one day I may consider genius, but still baffle me) they kept the gig. In a Fast Company article Alex Bogusky said the ultimate challenge and victory would be to get folks like him (ad folks) to use PCs... but that it is not about putting down one's iPod.
Microsoft/PC just released a new ad. Does it make you proud to be a PC or thrilled to covet your MAC?
Here it the new Microsoft spot:
And here is a Apple/MAC one for reference:
My thoughts:
Good ad. Nice use of 100 seconds of time. And I heart Tony Parker.
But despite the nice little smile I have on my face, Apple still comes out ahead.
What makes this so juicy is that PC didn't seem to have a choice, they had to define themselves through the lens of MAC. Is that a branding faux-pas or a gold medal? I say faux-pas; to win this thumb war PC will need to sing loud and proud off their own song sheet.
I am curious to see what comes next for PC, they have perhaps painted themselves into their own corner with this one.
...I am no expert on the art of wars. But this reminds me of some good 'ol Cola War ads.
p.s. as a follow up check out this Ad Age article. oct 03/08