Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If women are from Mars...

There is truth in advertising, right? Men and Women see things differently, right? So naturally a reasonable place to go (when you are done with talking to your sister, your workmates, your friends, yourself...) to gain some perspective on how men's opinions of love and women's opinions of love might just differ is to the archives of susinct 30-60second spots.

Same brief. Different targets.

So to speak.

Target: Men

Target: Women

(even I, as a sporatic romantic, thought this was a bit overkill.)

Target: Men and Women (although I am convinced this skews female. But maybe I find it too perfect to think that both men and women are on the same page at the exact same time)

And just because I know that romance is alive and well in this world (I am one of the luckye ones who has experienced it, fortunately, many lovely times) and that the sweetest words can mean so much (and that handmade gifts are the best).

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