Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Worst-Case Scenario Planning

I just spent the morning at OCAD University's 2020 Media Futures fore-sight workshop today.
Yes, its true. I can now see the future... or at least have a bit of an interesting hypothesis about it. More to come on the final output when its created. But if you are curious you can check out posts on Twitter #2020mediafutures

Alot of what we talked about was... as the title reveals, is what will the future of media be like in 2020 and what are some of the likely environments and what are the potential "black swams" (no body saw it coming but it makes perfect sense in hindsight moments).

Essentially we went through an exploratory exercise to outline the best case scenario, or the worst case scenarios so that we can enter 'the future' with our eyes wide open... so to speak.

A little tid-bit on planning for the worst case scenario (when you know what that scenario is....) It can be a very confident thing. If you know the worst case scenario, you can always plan for it. I don't know about you but I find that so liberating! To know that the worst is manageable and that you have accepted it (not hoped for it or strived for it) is a very inspiring thought. In an ironic twist of fate, its freedom.

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