Friday, December 18, 2009

GAP - Baby it's Cold Outside.

I have been a bit obsessed with the song 'Baby it's Cold outside' lately. Especially the Dean Martin version. It's a cross between charm and 'taking advantage of the situation', so to speak... Oh Dean, you and that Rat Pack certainly had alot of charm.

There are a few brands that do 'christmas' well.
For those who read this on the regular... you can imagine that I believe the green-circled coffee proveyor does a bang up job.

But the other mass-brand that does a great job is the GAP.
Delightful multi-page magazine pull out ads, quirky celebrity musicals featuring their oh-so fun stripey, bold sweaters.

I really like that GAP has stayed pretty true to its original advertising roots... there has been lots of opportunities over the last decade when they weren't the darling of khakis to switch it up and forge a new path. There has been alot of criticims about their advertising being more about style than substance. But the work they do does deliver an experience and it actually makes me feel something positive about their brand, and the season. They make no apologies for going big in a fun way.

One other non-Christmas spot from the GAP that I loved is this Audrey Hepburn+AC/DC spot form a few years back. click here to watch.

And on a GAP side note - read about their SPRIZE loyalty program here. Pretty amazing way to encourage incremental spend, frequency and loyalty. click here to read.

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