Monday, December 7, 2009

perfect integration - LG's Give it a Ponder

Seriously, this is brilliant.
I have been holding back on posting lately because I have been rethinking how I want to leverage this blog... more to come on that late.
But this from LG is pure brilliance because:
  1. It found a fun insight, owned it and exploited it for all of its humour. Similar to a drinking and driving awareness campaign, this LG found something they could stand for, something that felt cellphone company agnostic and by advertising for the category this way - they actually expand their universe of influence and relevance become the text message experts.
  2. Seamless integration of social media
  3. Its target relevant. They knew their target and went for it. Target was probably 18years old... not 18-35....I can't say it enough. Know your Target people and be laser focused on them.
watch one of the many videos/commercials here and below:

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